Friday, August 21, 2020

Anorexia Debate - Why Should Society Fight With Anorexia Case Argumentative Essay?

Anorexia Debate - Why Should Society Fight With Anorexia Case Argumentative Essay?Why is society should fight with anorexia case argumentative essay when it is not effective? This article aims to answer this question and give you a better insight into why anorexia is getting a bad reputation in society. Anorexia is a pretty serious medical condition and should be treated as such, not twisted into a disgusting controversy.Anorexia can happen to anyone, young or old, rich or poor, male or female. It can and should be prevented in children and teenagers who are on a good diet. Anorexia may even appear as just losing weight which is an acceptable excuse for people who want to lose weight fast but has a very serious underlying cause, such as being bullied at school or due to the lack of proper nutrition.Anorexia usually shows up in adolescents or young adults. Due to its sudden appearance, it is sometimes difficult to get help for anorexia because it may have many reasons. Not all people who have anorexia are obese and not all of them are bullied at school. We need to get to the root of this problem rather than just letting the problem go.You will find many people coming out with different reasons why people should fight with anorexia argumentative essay. Some of them say that children and teenagers are just too young to be aware of their body image and that they should be made to undergo counseling before they can be released from treatment centers. Others say that the person who is suffering from anorexia is simply ill-equipped to deal with life outside the home and is a danger to themselves and others.Anorexia is not like any other mental disorder that we commonly see. Because of its social stigma, it is hard to overcome this problem. The way out of the problem is to make sure that people who are affected by this condition are given all the support they need.Anorexia is one of the most dangerous problems a person can have and it should not be treated as a joke. I f you know someone who is suffering from anorexia, please help them through whatever means you can. Do not leave them alone until they get help. Let them know that you love them, that you support them and that you are always there for them.Anorexia is not something to be left alone. There are many things you can do about it if you care about the welfare of your loved ones. Help them through whatever means you can and encourage them to get the treatment they need.Although the debate between the people on why anorexia should be argued with has been going on for a long time, it is still useful to think about it every now and then. You will learn so much from looking into this problem and what is wrong with society in general with regard to this problem. Your love for your loved ones is your biggest weapon against anorexia and any other problems that come along.

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